
The One Where It Ends

 Hi FH, I thought about you today. Funny, I'm not sure how everything would go in the future, but when I remembered someone from my past, I automatically thought of you. It sort of felt like you and him are one and the same. I was with my girls over lunch and coffee when we talked about him, and as I tell them the story of how it all began and ended, I couldn't help but think, what if you are, indeed, him? Was I wrong in letting him go? Could it have been something that may have blossomed into something great had I not removed him from my IG list? At this point, I don't know what to think and I'm not sure how to deal with it. I miss him, FH, sorry about this, but I feel like he doesn't miss me as much, or at all. And this is where it ends...I think. Love, Your FW PS when are you coming?

The One Where I See Him Again

 Dear FH, I'm meeting him today. It has been almost a month since I last saw him you know. And to be honest, it has been a wild roller coaster ride with him. We fought, didn't talk for over a week, got together and finally, today, I get to see him again. I don't know what to feel. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. There have been times when I didn't know what to think when it comes to how he feels about me. I keep telling myself that he might be you, you know? I'm really not sure. I'll tell you more later after we've met. Take care, okay? I'll see you soon! Your FW

The One Where I Said Goodbye

 Dear FH, Yep, I did it. Finally had the courage to break the silence and said my goodbye. I can confirm that I really do love him and myself. I love us both enough to walk away. The love that I have is something so deep that even I didn't imagine myself being able to do so. It was painful and still hurts, but I love myself enough to know that this love is not worth all these pain.  I am trusting that my walking away would do us both some good. I have come to realize that loving someone does not require me to be there for them all the time. Sometimes, loving someone can also mean knowing when to step away because absence from each other is what you both need. Love should help you grow individually. That maybe, being together is not the answer. That being apart would provide the clarity you both need. That maybe, what you thought was right, wasn't all along.  Chemistry and connection don't mean a thing if one of you thinks he's better off without the other.  And maybe so

The One Where I Miss Him

 Dear FH, I'm not sure how to feel right now. It just seems all too low at the moment. Things don't seem to go my way in terms of my love life. I know that it may still take a while to get to know you and meet you and there have been people I have come across with who seemed to be the perfect fit. I don't know why but somehow I got to thinking that one of them could have possibly been you. I met this one in Guam through a dating app. Some may think it feels so low that I had to resort to that to meet people, but they don't know how hard it is to keep trying to find someone who I can finally settle with. And I'm sorry that I kept on looking while knowing that you may be out there somewhere just waiting for me. I can't help but be lonely while I wait for you. So this one I met after such a long time, he made me feel so much emotions in so little time. He made me do things I wouldn't normally do to just about anyone. I surprised myself even for being able to do

The FH Personality

  Dear FH, Sometimes I think about how you'd be like when I meet you. Will you be snobbish? shy? loud? outspoken? Or will you be the typical guy-next-door type who would be a bit quiet at first and then will start to open up when we get closer? Will you also love coffee and chats? Will you talk a lot or just listen?  Are you going to be clingy or would you want me to be clingy? Will you be taller than me? I'm just 5'1" so no need to worry lol. I don't need you to be much but I sure hope you'd have a great personality, an understanding heart, a great smile, huge amount of patience, a stable job or business, a steady level of confidence, and loyalty and love beyond compare. Because I do, and I can't settle for anything less. I did that before and failed miserably. Maybe because all the people I've met weren't you, and I kept getting my heart broken every time thinking that you could've been any of them. But at the end of each chapter, after every

The Mini-Reunion

Dear FH, I'm a bit sad today. Mostly because of feeling lonely. You know that feeling when you thought you felt things to be right and yet you sort of end up feeling sick because you weren't? haha funny and silly right? My friends had a mini-reunion in the PI and I wasn't able to join them because I'm away at the moment. I'm in 'Bama right now and why I'm here is really something else. Remind me to tell you all about it when we meet. I can't really say I'm proud to have done it considering what happened on the days after I arrived, but it's all good. I'm sure I'll be able to laugh about it when the time comes that I can tell you about the story (IF I don't forget about it! lol did I ever mention I'm forgetful?) Anyways, so they took pictures with their partners and much as I was sad, I was sort of relieved that I wasn't there. I would've been the 7th wheel (again!) haha! always been the case for years now. They're all

The Random Introduction

Dear Future Husband, Hi, love! I hope you're doing okay while you're reading this. I started this blog now so you can read them when we finally meet. (i can't wait!) 😍  Just a bit of a background about me, I'm your future wife (you can call me darling if you'd like lol), I turned 40 last August 2021. I thought I'd make it the most magical year of my life, you know, like probably meet you someplace where it's going to feel amazing seeing you and then create new memories, but then I have come to realize that I can't really control anything so I'll just let the universe take its course in having us meet. I've met a few and actually thought they were you, but ohhhh boy was I wrong! Tough luck for me huh? Anyways, how are you doing? Do you think about me too? Do you also think about when we're gonna finally meet? I really hope we meet soon, but until then, take care of yourself and know that I can't wait to see you.  Love, Your Future Wife